4 Common Misconceptions I Had Before Marriage - My Advice To Engaged Couples & Newlyweds

4 Common Misconceptions I Had Before Marriage - My Advice To Engaged Couples & Newlyweds

There is a common saying that warns you shouldn’t assume things because it will make an ass out of you.

Well, I guess you could label me a donkey hind quarters because I make a lot of assumptions. Turns out I had quite a few assumptions in mind as I went into marriage.

Some of my assumptions were true, but some...well, some were not.

Turns out some of the things I assumed about what married life would be like were not all that accurate. I would love to share four of the biggest misconceptions I carried into marriage because I think these are common traps.

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When I Don't Know What To Do, He Says "Be Faithful"

I was asking God what to do. How can I be a good wife to my husband? I feel like I am approaching the days where “newlywed” will no longer apply and I still feel like I am failing miserably at loving him well. How can I build a successful business? Sometimes the only thing that keeps me doing it is the fact that I know that I know it is what I am supposed to be doing. How can I be a good friend, daughter, sister, leader, disciple maker, etc. How I just be enough?

I was rambling on just like this when I heard the Lord say two words that put everything into perspective for me. With two simple words He once again calmed the raging storm inside my soul. He said, “be faithful.”

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Meaning of A Love Worth Living For | Nevertheless I Live

I got to thinking last night about what I would want to share with y’all today. If you are a newer reader, on Fridays I share a series I call “Nevertheless I Live” where I share a more casual toned post that is usually more personal then my regular content. Today I want to share with you guys the meaning behind the name of the blog!

I love blogging. I started my first blog when I was 17. I had bloggish platforms before that, but at 17 I created my first real official blog. I have been blogging in some capacity ever since. I started dreaming of having a full time blog before I ever learned that you could actually make blogging your full time job. For years I would brainstorm content ideas and themes and focuses for my someday blog. 

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ALWLF Currentlys! | Nevertheless I Live

Hey y’all!! Happy Friday! I want to start doing more Nevertheless I Live posts which come from Galatians 2:20 which says “I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.” Nevertheless I live is just me sharing my life and whats happening over here. Sometime i have deep things to share like the post where I talk about living a life free from shame. Other times…like today I am just going to talk about general things. I think today is a great day for an update post! I thought I’d tell y’all what I am currently working on here behind the scenes of A Love Worth Living For! Here we go!

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Our 2016 Goals, Themes & Focuses | Nevertheless I Live

Happy belated New Year’s y’all! Hope your first week of 2016 has been full of joy! Mine has been wonderful! Also there are now around 10,000 of you reading this blog! That is absolutely crazy to me. Welcome! I wanted to take some time today to write this post and share some of my goals, planned themes and focus for the year. I want to use this post as a reference point throughout the year to do progress checks. 

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& They Felt No Shame | Nevertheless I Live

Genesis 2:25 and just sobbed. It says, “And the man and his wife were both naked and were not ashamed.” After reading that verse I doubt any of you are in tears. That’s okay. Let me explain what this verse did in my spirit when I read it that day. In Genesis 1 we read the creation account and we see that everything was good. Then we read where God made woman from man. Then that last verse, “They were both naked and they were not ashamed.” Spoiler alert! The next chapter of Genesis is where everything changes. Man falls. Sin enters. Shame contaminates everything. So this moment where they were both naked and they were not ashamed is powerful. 

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Nevertheless I Live - Cards!!!

Hello all! Happy Sunday!

Nevertheless I Live - Cards! Why I make Birthday Cards for all of my friends and family. Why sending cards is important to me.
Nevertheless I Live - Cards! Why I make Birthday Cards for all of my friends and family. Why sending cards is important to me.

     Let's talk birthdays! I find Birthdays to be very exciting! However, I have a terrible habit of forgetting them.  After getting married and getting the new craft room up and operating I have made it my mission to start send out birthday cards to friends and family on their birthdays!

Nevertheless I Live - Cards! Why I make Birthday Cards for all of my friends and family. Why sending cards is important to me.
Nevertheless I Live - Cards! Why I make Birthday Cards for all of my friends and family. Why sending cards is important to me.

     I started thinking about it while planning the wedding and sending out well over a hundred hand addressed (and by hand addressed I mean fancy hand lettered) invitations. We don't send cards anymore! Not people under the age of...well lets just say grandmothers. I have never known anyone in my age range (twenty somethings) to send a card. At least none that I have met or seen. We are all about Facebook and texts. Those are awesome but how cool is it to go the mailbox the on your birthday or a day or so before and pull out a card addressed to you and you open it and inside is an awesome (handmade) card?!

     That doesn't happen. At least not to me. I want that for those I love though. A wonderful card to say, "Hey. I am thinking about you. I am willing to invest some time and card making resources to show you that you matter to me. I want you to know that the day in which you began to exist is a big deal to me and I am thankful to have you in my life."

Nevertheless I Live - Cards! Why I make Birthday Cards for all of my friends and family. Why sending cards is important to me.
Nevertheless I Live - Cards! Why I make Birthday Cards for all of my friends and family. Why sending cards is important to me.

So I set out to find a cute planner and address book so that I can make this a priority. It is exciting to me that over the years my little address book (which I had to make out of a cute blank journal using some post it tabs for the letter markers! see what I mean?! address books aren't even that easy to find...) will grow and grow and I hope I never get too busy to stop and send some love.

Nevertheless I Live - Cards! Why I make Birthday Cards for all of my friends and family. Why sending cards is important to me.
Nevertheless I Live - Cards! Why I make Birthday Cards for all of my friends and family. Why sending cards is important to me.

I also want to do Christmas cards! Oh and maybe Easter! I also want to send encouragement cards from time to time as well as get well cards and sympathy cards when I know those around are struggling.

In other news...

Lets talk about what I am currently into.

I am currently reading:

Never Fade by Alexandra Bracken which is the second book in the Darkest Minds trilogy. I am loving this trilogy! I know I am behind but I am hooked. Expect reviews soon!

I am currently listening to:

The Dixie Chicks...I don't know why... Also Makin' Plans by Miranda Lambert because 1. I love everything she does and 2. It makes me think of my handsome husband and our future. I love that line where she says, "I'm not easy to understand, but you know me like the back of your hand." I feel you Miranda.

I am currently watching:

Grimm! I am all about Grimm right now! Living week to week to catch that new episode.

Here's a cute photo of Gharrah from this past week. (:

Nevertheless I Live - Cards! Why I make Birthday Cards for all of my friends and family. Why sending cards is important to me.
Nevertheless I Live - Cards! Why I make Birthday Cards for all of my friends and family. Why sending cards is important to me.

Hope you guys have an awesome week! Make sure to check back this week for more great posts.

What are you guys currently into? How do you feel about getting cards? What about sending them? Let me know below!

I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.

Galatians 2:20

Nevertheless I Live - Cards! Why I make Birthday Cards for all of my friends and family. Why sending cards is important to me.
Nevertheless I Live - Cards! Why I make Birthday Cards for all of my friends and family. Why sending cards is important to me.