4 Common Misconceptions I Had Before Marriage - My Advice To Engaged Couples & Newlyweds

4 Common Misconceptions I Had Before Marriage - My Advice To Engaged Couples & Newlyweds

There is a common saying that warns you shouldn’t assume things because it will make an ass out of you.

Well, I guess you could label me a donkey hind quarters because I make a lot of assumptions. Turns out I had quite a few assumptions in mind as I went into marriage.

Some of my assumptions were true, but some...well, some were not.

Turns out some of the things I assumed about what married life would be like were not all that accurate. I would love to share four of the biggest misconceptions I carried into marriage because I think these are common traps.

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33 Beautiful Bible Verses About Love and Marriage

Marriage is one of God’s greatest gifts to mankind. The Bible is full of verses about love and marriage. Outside of our union with Jesus Christ, there is no greater fruit-bearing, rewarding, and fun relationship than the marriage union.

However, whoever said love should be easy has never been married...LOL. Every marriage will encounter trials, tests, highs, lows, laughter, and tears.

Keeping Christ at the center is key whether you are in the valley or on the mountain top.

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Motherhood & The Holy Spirit - 3 Surprising Lessons Motherhood Taught Me About Holy Spirit

I took part in a training years ago on ministering deliverance. The thing that has stuck with me is that your relationships with family impact your view of the individuals of the trinity. 

How you interact with your dad heavily influences your instinctual view of God. Your relationship with your friends and siblings impacts your view of Jesus. The way you related to your mother impacts how you relate to Holy Spirit. 

This teaching has proven more accurate in my life and faith walk than I would like to admit at times.

Now that I am a mother, I think about and talk to Holy Spirit a TON more than ever before. The Holy Spirit is described using qualities that come most natural and common to women and mothers.

Holy Spirit is a comforter, an advocate, a counselor, and a helper.

As I quickly approach becoming a mother of two, I have been reflecting on this concept again. So if my mothering instincts are a reflection of the nature of Holy Spirit, here are some things I have learned.

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27 Bible Verses About Serving Others That Will Motivate You To Step Out Of Your Comfort Zone

We are called to be the hands and feet of Jesus. The Bible tells us to care for the poor, to help the widowed and orphaned and to serve our brothers and sisters in the faith. These Bible verses about serving others show us what that looks like.

Mike and I have been practicing growing in our hospitality. If you like us have this growing desire to be more of a blessing to those around you and to truly change the world by changing your world one person at a time then these verses on helping others is a great place to start!

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Verses And Prayers For Pregnancy After Miscarriage

Pregnancy after loss can be scary and challenging. Good news is there are scriptures and promises that can be used as prayers for expectant mothers who have experienced miscarriage and loss. 

This is still a hard topic for me to address. I feel an obligation to speak on it due to the fact that 1 in 4 women have experienced miscarriage or infant loss. 1 in 4 and yet no one seems to talk about it. For something that is unfortunately so common people don’t seem to know what to say or how to respond when the ones around us experience this tragedy. 

Today I want to share three verses to pray when you are pregnant after a miscarriage to help combat fear and anxiety. I am going to share the scriptures but also why they impacted me and just in case you are newer to praying scriptures I will share what my prayers might look like when praying these particular verses. 

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How To Keep Loving When You Feel Unheard

We all have this deep need to be known and understood. We long to be heard and accepted. In spite of these needs that we all share, we tend to be terrible at meeting this need in others without doing some serious work to grow in self-awareness. 

So how can we love others when we feel entirely unheard by them? How can we continue to listen when it seems our words are falling on deaf ears? How can we pursue connection when it seems all the other person is interested in is distance?

I know that it is possible and I know that you can become really really great at it and I know that if you do the work necessary all of your marriage and relationships have a great chance of improving and strengthening. 

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6 Books That Will Transform Your Marriage

Marriage can be a circus sometimes. The process of two becoming one is not as easy and magical as you expect it to be when you stand at that altar and make your vows. Even the truth that we actually made vows to each other is not a reality that is often thought about in the trenches of holy matrimony.

I LOVE marriage. I think it is a beautiful gift from the Father. I love that we get to do life with our best friends. I like that we get to knock the rough edges off of each other and make the other a little better each season.

I am also aware of the reality that marriage is not always easy. It takes a lot of work to help it grow, to keep it healthy, and to maintain connection and healthy communication. These books I am sharing today are not your usual marriage guru written books. They probably won’t be on a ton of other lists.

Nevertheless they have each transformed Mike and I’s marriage in some area or another. These are the books I will forever recommend to married people and singles alike. They are full of helpful tools that will work for any relationship but in a marriage they are super life giving.

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