Our 2016 Goals, Themes & Focuses | Nevertheless I Live

    Happy belated New Year’s y’all! Hope your first week of 2016 has been full of joy! Mine has been wonderful! Also there are now around 10,000 of you reading this blog! That is absolutely crazy to me. Welcome! I wanted to take some time today to write this post and share some of my goals, planned themes and focus for the year. I want to use this post as a reference point throughout the year to do progress checks. 

I’ll start with the blog.

More Content: I want to be better at putting out more content more frequently. I also want more channels of content. I want to create more to offer you readers. Email series, devotionals, etc.

Email!: I want to focus more on my email list. Not just growing it but also creating phenomenal content for those dedicated enough to join our Living For Love VIP Club!

Paper Co.: I want to open an new shop in 2016 that focuses on paper goods. I love paper crafting just as much as I love designing jewelry so I am pretty excited to launch that mid year. I even have a name I am in love with that I will announce latter this year as well!(:

Youtube/Periscope: This is a big goal of mine. In my quest to build a community I just think these platforms are soooo important. The A Love Worth Living For Youtube channel has been very uneventful for months now. One of the last videos I did over there called Do I Even Want To Do Booktube?! was diffidently some foreshadowing even I didn’t pick up on. The focus of ALWLF has shifted pretty substantially. This year I want the channel to reflect that change. I am also super interested in scoping so hopefully this month I will work up the nerve to hit that start broadcast button!

Now for my personal goals and themes.

Health: I know everyone make this a goal in January, but I want to be healthier in 2016. Mike and I are both planning to cut out a lot of sugar and processed foods this year. Our plan is to move to a much cleaner diet. I also plan to incorporate more physical activity this year. I just feel like I need to take more walks. I also think it would be really great for me to work out a few mornings a week. I think it would help my productivity.

Jesus: The Lord tends to set themes for me for different seasons of my life. I remember 2013 into 2014, for example, was all about the valley of dry bones. In that season the Lord really helped me understand that passage of scripture and how it applied to me and those that I was ministering too at the time. I have been listening and watching to see a theme for my current season. I don’t think I recognize one for this current season yet but I feel my focus is summed up by the song Good, Good Father by the Housefires. Seriously go listen to it. My focus right now is on making room in my heart and life for more of the presence of God and to really learn and believe that He is a good, good Father. 

Organization: I am a slob. I have mentioned this on here before. I am not gross, but I am messy. This year I want to get way more organized. I think I could be much tidier if everything in our home had a proper place. Our craft room/office seriously needs some organizing love. 

These are some of my goals and focuses for 2016. I am super interested in hearing what yours are! Feel free to leave yours in the comments below and we can discuss! 

I believe there are really great things in store for A Love Worth Living For in 2016! If you haven't already make sure that you have joined the Living For Love VIP Club! 

As always, thank you guys for reading. Love y'all.