Nevertheless I Live | Marriage - his love reminds me of His love

Fridays are when I share my series Nevertheless I Live which comes from Galatians 2:20 (KJV) which says, “I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.” I am thankful for the life which I now live and this is where I share bits and pieces of my life and the things that make it worth living.

Hello everyone and happy Friday!!

Every night as I lay trying to go to sleep my brain comes alive with ideas and thoughts. This is the time my brain decides to give me it’s best ideas as well as process ALL of the emotions that I’ve experienced throughout the day. It can get pretty crazy all the while my beautiful husband is completely knocked out and oblivious to the raging mess of creativity and emotion his wife is beside him.

A frequent thought that crosses my mind at night is how crazy marriage is. Next Tuesday (the 15th) will be my 8 month wedding anniversary. Yes, we acknowledge monthly anniversaries! We are newlyweds! Until the first year anniversary I think monthly ones are fair game. Anyways, I am frequently overwhelmed by how amazing marriage is and how thankful I am that God thought to include it in His plan.

As I lay in my husbands arms every night I am awestruck by how amazing it feels to be wanted. Both by him and by God. 

It is still surreal to me that Mike is my partner. This man chose me, to do life with. This man wants to be with me for the rest of his life. I get to be with him for the rest of my life. It’s amazing. 

It reminds me that God wants to do life with me and He has gone to extraordinary lengths to make that possible. 

Watching my husband walkout his life and his faith also reminds me that God loves me. What I mean by that is my husband the godliest man I know. His love of God is inspiring and humbling. The fact that God allowed my path to cross his and showed us favor in getting married and continues to bless us in marriage reminds me that God has huge plans for me, my husband and our marriage. 

Here today's sharable! Share this anywhere you'd like and lets make the world a little brighter!

I hope you guys have an awesome weekend! Thank you for stopping by and reading.

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Also here is today video! Mike and I filmed the Husband Tag which is basically just where we answered relationship questions. Check it out!:

Love y’all,