5 Date Night Ideas For Your Introvert

I am an introvert. Specifically, I am an outgoing introvert. This means I have an outgoing personality, but I value quiet time at home. I need down time where I just hang out on my couch with my husband and just recharge. I love people, but there is a defined cutoff point for me time wise where I am just done, and I want to go home.

There are times when I am so drained mentally that by the time date night rolls around the last thing I want to do is go to a crowded restaurant where there will probably be a wait for a table. Even when we get the table, the waitress will be so rushed that I'll feel rushed to eat and move on when I'd prefer to take my time and talk with my handsome date. Them on to a packed theater to see a new release where we can hopefully find a decent seat. This just isn’t a fun idea to me. Blame it on my social anxiety.

So for all my fellow introverts or my extraverts that have the blessing of loving an introvert, this is for you. Today I want to share some date night ideas for those of you, who like my husband, have a spouse that is on the introverted and socially awkward side. These introverted date night ideas are straight from a fellow introvert but keep in mind there are varying degrees of introversion and extroversion so run these by your introvert to see if they like them. 

Here are my 6 date night ideas for your introvert!

Build a fort.

Coming from a nerdy introvert this is genius, and I hope my husband takes this hint. Order his/her favorite food. Grab some blankets and build an impressive fort with just enough room for two, maybe a TV and the food. String in some Christmas lights and light some candles (outside of the fort of course because forts are flammable.)

Make it a romantic evening of snuggles and a Netflix marathon. Try to pull it off as a surprise. Prepare some fun and flirty questions you can ask each other in or play a game of would you rather. 

In a few weeks, you can try it to out-build your first fort. 

Get a room.

Seriously. Reserve a nice hotel room either at a beautiful place in town or within a 30 minute to one hour drive from your house. This is what we call a staycation.

If it’s local go there early to set up date night. Set the table for dinner with flowers and candles. Bonus points if you splurge for a room with a jacuzzi tub. Make sure the place has a TV for some Netflix marathon snuggles.  

Netflix marathoning is pretty crucial for introvert-friendly dates as far as I am concerned. If you choose to reserve a room in a historical or tourist town in your state, this also gives you things to do the next afternoon too! 

This would be awesome on a Friday night into Saturday afternoon. You could even stay two nights and just home Sunday. 

It’s nice because life is so hectic and busy ALL the time. This date slows all that down and is like a romantic timeout/staycation/getawaybutnotreally. It also communicates to your spouse that they're worth the effort, splurge and quality time away. 

Do this every few months. It's sweet!

Browse their favorite store with them.

This idea is seriously one of my favorite date nights. I LOVE bookshops, craft stores, and target. Wondering around one of those places for an hour or more sounds like a great evening to me. Especially target where you can buy slushies and nachos from the cafe. 

It is also something I enjoy doing with my husband after we go out to dinner. We wander the aisles, talk and browse. We dream of projects I would like to start or things I would like to add to our home or new subjects I would like to read up on and learn about. 

I love having a husband who does this with me plus I usually get new books and supplies out of it. A romantic dinner and new stuff?! That is an introverted date night win my friend. 

I will warn you that the key is to be present. Mike used to wander away from me or lag behind playing games on his phone. This does not feel like a date. Luckily he caught on quickly that this wasn't just a store trip but quality time for me. If your spouse likes shopping with you make sure you try to be present. 

Pack a picnic.

Mike and I picnic so much I didn’t even think of this one. Mike suggested it, and I was like duh! I love going on picnics with him and our puppy! We also just bought a picnic basket! We are serious picnickers. 

But seriously. Pack some food, or do what we do and run by Subway or Jimmy John’s for subs, & head to your local state park! Layout a blanket and grub! This is especially awesome if you have an animal. You could pick a park that has hiking trails and take a walk together after you eat. Maybe find one that has ducks that you could feed. 

Taking a badminton set could also be a lot of fun! You could also do this in the evening time it so you can also watch the seasonal fireworks or just a sunset and lay on your blanket as stars come out. Now that is romantic. 

Game night!

I got this suggestion from one of my best friends. Specifically, she suggested crossword puzzles. We’ll say games in general though. Mike and I play cards sometimes, and it’s fun! It brings out the competitive side in both of us. I think a little competition is fun and flirty. 

Order in some yummy food (because it is just not a date if food's not involved) and camp out with a fun game or puzzle in the living room floor!

Afternoon/Week Night Dates.

 I prefer movies and going out to eat during the afternoon or on weeknights. They're less hectic, and I end up enjoying the movie more. You get bonus points if you buy our tickets ahead of time at a theater with assigned seats. I love assigned seats at theaters. Be still my introverted beating heart.

 If your introvert doesn't like crowds (just a heads up - lots of introverts don't mind crowds in general) try doing afternoon activities! Instead of going to dinner at 6 or 7, which is when restaurants tend to get crowded, go at 4 or 5 and then rent a movie and have some snacks at home that night.

If you want to go out later and still avoid crowds why not date night on a Thursday instead of a Friday. Lots of restaurants even have specials to bring people in on those evenings so you can take advantage of those as a sweet bonus!

I hope this gives you some ideas to add to your date night arsenals! Remember these are just my ideas. Customize them or use them to inspire your ideas! Please leave your antisocial date night ideas down below and help an introvert out!

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Be kind to yourself this week and remember you are wildly loved.