Are You Cursing Your Relationships? - Life & Death in the Tongue

Let's discuss the power of your tongue. Your tongue is mighty. You speak life or death with every word. Now I know that this is something most of us already know but is it something we pay attention to? 

I find this is one of those things we all know nevertheless we don’t always live it out. One area where it matters is our relationships. I have been sharing a lot lately about how to build community and why we all need to be a part of one. 

To grow in our groups and build strong relationships, we have to examine what we are saying about them and probably just our attitudes accordingly.

Life and Death

“Your words are so powerful that they will kill or give life, and the talkative person will reap the consequences.” Proverbs 18:21 (TPT)

Mike and I share pretty regularly about the season of our marriage where it began to fall apart. One thing I remember often saying in that season was, “we can’t even make it one week without a fight!” Guess what happened every week as a result? 

When we make up our minds that something is a certain way we align our lives to make sure that that thing stays that way.Me saying that every week was cursing my relationship by solidifying a negative attitude, limiting God’s influence in the matter and inviting conflict into our home. 

Can I tell you that everything changed when we choose to speak life over our marriage instead and to only speak kind and respectful words to each other? 

Did we continue to fight? Of course! But nowhere near as often. More so we saw our relationship begin to change as our words and attitudes began to change. 

How’s Your Heart?

“Your words are so powerful that they will kill or give life, and the talkative person will reap the consequences.” Luke 6:45 (TPT)

Maybe you realize that you too are speaking words filled with curses over some of your relationships. Perhaps it’s your relationship with a sibling or parent, maybe its a friendship or perhaps it’s your spouse.

What do you say about them and your relationship with them? Do you catch yourself saying things like, “we just can’t seem to get along,” “they’ll just never change,” "I'll never find a man. There just aren't any good ones left," or a classic, “I just can’t get along with girls, so all my friends are guys.”

To change what I was saying about my marriage, I had to examine my heart and figure out where the source of those words was. Holy Spirit helped me with this! I came to realize that I was saying hopeless words because I was hopeless. Profound I know but I didn't see it that way up to that point. 

Once hopelessness was identified in my heart I could partner with Holy Spirit to uproot that junk and replace it with hope. I found verses that reminded me of what the Father’s heart was for me and my marriage. I was then given eyes of compassion for my husband and my words changes and when my words changed my marriage changes.

What relationships come to mind as you read through this? I encourage you to ask God to show you what the source of your words is. Maybe it’s hopelessness like me or maybe its unforgiveness, resentment, envy or a combination of things. Together you and the Father can begin to uproot those things and plant good fruit that will reap a mighty harvest in your relationships. 

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As always thank you for stopping by. Until next time we pray you rest in how wildly loved you are and go love wildly.