25 Best Gift Ideas For New Moms

Today I want to share some of my best gift ideas for new moms. Transitioning into motherhood has been super exciting and rewarding but it is also really really challenging. The nights are long and it’s really intense trying to figure out what your new baby human even wants throughout the day.

I have a new found respect for all moms everywhere. If you have a new mom in your life this post is going to be full of ideas of that I think will really bless her in this new season of her life!

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My Gift Ideas For New Moms

Get The New Mom Some Purposeful Journals

These are two journals that we designed and sell through Amazon. These journals have so life giving to me in this season of life.

The infant tracker helps my new mom brain to keep track of all the different things my son is doing or not doing throughout the days. This has been helpful during times when he wasn’t gaining as much weight as he needed to. The journal will help the new mom keep up with feedings, diapers, and sleep. If you click through you can take a peak at the inside.

The scripture writing journal has been helpful as I am very tired. I don’t always have a ton of time or mental capacity to do great in depth Bible studies. This journal has helped me to get into the word every day though for at lest a few minutes in a way that feel fulfilling and substantial.


Get The New Mom Some Diapers

We got tons of diapers at our baby shower. Diaper just came flowing in. Mike thought for sure we had a life time supply for the baby boy. He was very wrong. We actually just ran out of diapers and now have to start budgeting them in.

Diapers are expensive y’all. After the baby’s born people stop giving you diapers. Get that new mom some diapers! Send her a giant box of them! It will be such a blessing, I promise you.

Bonus idea: If you are super close to the new mom and financially capable why not subscribe to a box of diapers for the new mom? On Amazon you can set it up to have a box shipped to her once a month.


Get The New Mom Something To Pamper Herself

The hospital sends you home with this new tiny tiny human. Next thing you know you’re trying to figure out…how do I even shower anymore? Like when do I do that? It’s crazy how little personal time you have when you bring your new baby home.

Buy that new mom something to really take care of herself in those moments when she find free time or when dad is around and on duty.

Get Her A Spa Kit

Get Her Some Bath Supplies


Give Her Some Nail Polish

Get Her A New Moisturizer


Get The New Mom Her First “Mom” Jewelry

This is a classic. Get her a nice piece of jewelry to memorialize her newfound motherhood! All of these are sterling silver so they will last for years and years.


Get The New Mom Some Practical Jewelry

Teething is right around the corner for the new mom. This trend of teething friendly jewelry is brilliant. The beads are made of a soft material that is safe for baby to gum on while in moms arms. I will for sure be getting some for me and my little guy in a few months!


Get The New Mom Some Cute Tees

I was not prepared for what I would look like when leaving the hospital. I though baby gone belly gone. WRONG. You leave looking 6 months pregnant.

Even when the swelling and water weight goes away you still may not fit back into your pre-pregnancy clothes for a minute.

T-shirts are a must! These all are somewhat flowy and will look great even if they’re a little loose. So get the new momma some new cute mom-related t-shirts that she can be comfortable in!


Get The New Mom Something To Memorialize The Occasion

I love these willow statues. My sweet mother-in-law got Mike and I the three one and we love it. They are just a sweet and considerate gift idea for a new mom.


Get The New Mom Cute Things For Her Baby

There are so many things you have to get for a new little person. Sometimes budgeting in simply fun and cute things isn’t a priority. Treat the new mom to some fun and cute things for her baby.


There you have it! I hope these gift ideas for new moms help you bless the women in your life.

If you have any ideas that I didn’t share please feel free to share them in the comments!