Book Talk - Top 5 Favorite Non-Fiction Christian Books

Today on my youtube channel I shared with you all my top 5 favorite Christian fiction books. So on here, I wanted to share my top 5 non-fiction with you guys!!! Here we go!

5. Crazy Love: Overwhelmed by a Relentless God by Francis Chan

“Have you ever wondered if we're missing it?

It's crazy, if you think about it. The God of the universe—the Creator of nitrogen and pine needles, galaxies and E-minor—loves us with a radical, unconditional, self-sacrificing love. And what is our typical response? We go to church, sing songs, and try not to cuss.” (goodreads, amazon)

This is one of the first…if not the first, non-fiction Christian books I ever read. It challenges readers to really think about the love of God and to evaluate our relationship with Him. Chan points out that when we are in love with someone, it impacts all aspects of our lives. 

I loved this book because it makes you step back and see where your relationship with the Lord is. It causes you to stop and be reminded of the greatness of God. For me this book led to a needed heart revival that was much needed at that time of my life. I was 18/19 and trying to understand what it meant to be a Christian. This book makes it clear that it’s a love relationship with the Creator. 


4. And The Angels Were Silent by Max Lucado 

“You can tell a lot about a person by the way he dies.

In the last week of his life, Jesus deliberately sets his face toward Jerusalem―and certain death. This is no ordinary week. Even the angels are silent as they ponder the final days of Jesus Christ.

This is no ordinary walk. Jesus doesn't chatter. He doesn't pause. He is on his final journey.

He walks determinedly to the holy city, angrily into the temple, wearily into Gethsemane, painfully up the Via Dolorosa. And powerfully out of the vacated tomb.” (goodreadsamazon)

I LOVE Max Lucado. I decided to only include one book by him otherwise the whole list would have probably been him and I would have had to change the title to Top 5 Maz Lucado Books…which sounds like a great idea for a future post…anyways.

And The Angels Were Silent is a look at the final week of Christ. I love thinking about and studying the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ. It breaks my heart as it should any Christian. I find it’s the best place for me to go when I need reminded of the love that Jesus has for me. This book looks at and really dives into each of the days and what occurred on them in Jesus’ final week. This book is powerful and moving. Lucado’s way with words really makes each moment become so real. 


3. The Spirit of Python: Identify What Constricts Your Life and Kills Your Dreams by Jentezen Franklin

“ If it feels like your dreams and passions are suffocating and you don’t know why—you might be dealing with the spirit of python.In the natural world pythons have an interesting way of killing their prey. They constrict it until it can no longer breathe, literally suffocating the life out of its veins. In the spirit realm the python spirit acts in the same manner. It comes to put limits on you. It comes to quiet your voice and kill your dreams. It creeps into your life and, slowly but surely, suffocates your zeal for praising and worshiping God.” (goodreads, amazon)

I bought this book the first time I saw it and I am glad I did! I really enjoyed reading this and I had so may “aha” moments while reading it. This book looks at some of the tactics of the enemy. We are under attack constantly and unless we are aware of how the enemy works I don’t think we always notice it. This books focuses on our authority as believers and the promises of God and how those things cancel out some of the attacks we are allowing to happen in our life.


2. Praise Habit: Finding God in Sunsets and Sushi by David Crowder

“Crowder redefines the reader's perspective of a God beyond imagination and helps to develop a habit of praising Him by reflecting on targeted Psalms from The Message Remix.” (goodreads, amazon)

Well, that synopsis does not do this book justice. I love David Crowder and I love praise. This book is wonderful because it defines what worship is straight from the pen of one of who I consider to be one of the greatest worship leaders/song writers of our time. The books shares that worship is a way of life. That every moment of everyday is a time and an opportunity to worship. That praise should be a natural habit in reaction to the glory of God all around us. You don’t need a band, lighting or a fog machine to worship God. 

1. Inside of Me: Lessons of Lust, Love and Redemption by Shellie R. Warren 

“Although born and raised in the church, Shellie Warren became a victim and survivor of sexual abuse, low self-esteem, rape, promiscuity and co-dependency. After multiple abortions and deep depression, she found healing, reconciliation and recovery in God. As she shares her pain, discoveries and triumphs, she draws young women who are dealing with sexual misuse to a place where they can be real and find wholeness and healing.” (goodreads, amazon)

This book is phenomenal and a great resource for all women. It is a memoire. This book is Shellie sharing her life and struggles from beginning to healing. I read this book when I was around 20 years old and was convinced I was the only girl in the world who struggled with lust, sexuality and purity the way you hear many men do. This book shed’s light on the fact that MANY women are struggling with those things. It is not uncommon. Whether you have been the victim of assault, undergone abortions, been labeled promiscuous or just want to know that you can be free and pure this book is a must read! I have read it multiple times and writing this makes me want to go back and read it one more time. It’s so good I think I am on my fourth copy of it because I keep giving it away to other ladies to read. A great book! She also has another book called Pure Heart: A Woman’s Guide to Sexual Integrity which is also a great resource!

So that is my list! I hope you discovered a new book to maybe pick up today. Down in the comments let me know if you have read any of these or what books would be on your own list! I would love to hear from you!

Here is the video I mentioned at the beginning of my top five Christian fiction books:


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Thank you guys for reading! you guys!! 

Love y'all,

(This post includes affiliate links. If you purchase one of the books I have recommended, I will receive a small commission.)