33 Beautiful Bible Verses About Love and Marriage

Marriage is one of God’s greatest gifts to mankind. The Bible is full of verses about love and marriage. Outside of our union with Jesus Christ, there is no greater fruit-bearing, rewarding, and fun relationship than the marriage union.

However, whoever said love should be easy has never been married...LOL. Every marriage will encounter trials, tests, highs, lows, laughter, and tears.

Keeping Christ at the center is key whether you are in the valley or on the mountain top.

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15 Verses For Those Who Struggle With Social Anxiety

Listen if your palms get all sweaty at the thought of having to mingle or you would just much rather stay at home in your pj’s watching netflix from bed than go to a new place where you have to interact with strangers for an undisclosed amount of time, I feel you.

I too struggle with social anxiety and thankfully God has bought me a very long way. I have struggled with social anxiety for as long as I have been social. It stinks. The big problem is that it keeps us from the community we need and crave and it buries us in fear and anxiety until we have isolated ourselves and built walls to protect us from unseen threats. 

So much of the encouragement and growth we need and crave in this life will come from the Father but through others. We NEED people and community. So how can we press through the social phobias to make the connections we crave?

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7 Verses For The Struggling Marriage

People warned us that the first year was the hardest. I am pretty sure those people have no idea what they are talking about because it was the second year that almost took us both out. When our marriage was falling apart, and talk of divorce began to come up, these are the verses to which I turned. 

Today’s post is for my dear sisters out there are in a marriage that is struggling. You worry you’re failing and that you will never figure it out but you don’t want to give up, and you need encouragement to keep going. These verses are for you, my sweet friend. 

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Who To Take Relationship Advice From - And Who Not To

Someone once told me that opinions are like buttholes - everyone’s got one. I have always loved and lived by that piece of well-spoken wisdom. Everyone knows how you should be living your life or what you should or shouldn’t be doing in your relationships. Most people will be more than willing to share their inflated knowledge with you, usually without you even asking. 

When navigating marriage, there are so many hurdles and challenges to work through and overcome. You are going to need advice. You are going to need counsel and guidance. With opinions flying around from every side, how can you know who’s advice to take to heart and apply and who to just smile and nod at as their words just bounce off your forehead? How can you discern who's just talking out of their hind ends and who is actually offering genuine help and wisdom?

Today’s post is for my dear sisters out there are in a marriage that is struggling. You worry you’re failing and that you will never figure it out but you don’t want to give up, and you need encouragement to keep going. These verses are for you, my sweet friend. 

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Why God Is Not Like Your Dad

Father is such an important role because our fathers are meant to point to the Father. When Jesus taught the disciples to pray in Matthew 6:9, He told them to start with “Our Father, which art in heaven.” It is such a big deal that God is our Father. Up until that point in history, God was Lord but then Jesus came and made a way for God to be Abba. Daddy. Father.

This post is for the ones lucky enough to have a father that was amazing, the ones who had a dad but he wasn't what you needed when you needed it, for the ones whose fathers were totally absent for some reason or another and for the ones whose fathers fall anywhere in between. This post is good news. 

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Love Is Not Arrogant | Overflow: A Study on 1 Corinthians 13

A common thing I hear single women say is that they want a man that is confident but not arrogant. There is a fine line between confidence and arrogance but once that line is crossed you are faced with a super unattractive person. Arrogance is the worst and we naturally are turned away by it because of the nature of arrogance. 

Arrogance is the person with their nose in the air. Think Pretty Woman when she goes shopping at that fancy boutique and the haughty clerks take one look at her and decide that she isn’t good enough for their shop or their time. Arrogance inflates a person's view of themselves. That’s why the Bible says that love is not arrogant or puffed up. 

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Verses About Marriage: The Best Verses For Your Marriage

I want nothing more than a life and marriage that glorifies the Lord to its full potential. I want my marriage to be as great as it possibly can be and I want it to display the Gospel to all that see it just by witnessing us. I want to help others. I want to learn and absorb as much wise counsel and scripture as I can and I want to apply it and share it out. 

I want the church to cherish marriage for the good gift that it is. With all that being said I am well aware that marriage is not easy. WELL AWARE. Mike and I are approaching our two year marriage anniversary and I honestly feel like we’ve been married for a decade after some of the things we have had to weather. 

I know it can be hard, but we have an ever present source of help when we need it. (Psalm 46:1) Today I want to share my favorite verses to read and pray over my marriage and why. 

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