"For much of my Christian life prayer was very much a mystery to me. I spent years believing God was merely tolerating me, and that prayer was just a religious duty that I owed Him in exchange for my salvation.
A few years ago that changed. I learned that God wildly loves me and that He wants to communicate with me continuously about all the things going on in my life and my mind. He wants to hear from me because He just loves being with me and it is the same for you.
I created this journal a few years ago for my prayer time and let me just tell you it was nowhere near this cute back then! The journal has been such a great tool and blessing to my life and my husband's life that we decided to redesign them and offer them to the world. We are confident these journals will change the way you live and pray."
Andriana is a believer, wife, dreamer, encourager, artist, and writer that travels the country with her handsome husband and their adorable puppy.
This Journal GivesThe Space To:
keep a record of prayer requests and praise reports
These Journals become a memorial and a keepsake that testifies to the goodness and faithfulness of God in your life and the lives around you.record daily the things that you are grateful for
Gratitude changes everything. It helps you keep your perspective and it makes room for God to work in your circumstances.evaluate yourself
Prayer is our place to be open, honest and vulnerable with God. The journals give you space to stop and take an honest assessment of your current emotional state.choose a verse or promise to meditate and focus on for the day
record your prayer daily
With Your Purchase You'll Also Get:
Access to a private Facebook community group for Intentional Prayers with journaling prompts, space to share prayer requests, live teaching and journaling demos.
A video workshop that will walk you through our suggested uses for each section of the journal and how to migrate to a new journal next month.